Lingerie Emma is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. 20 years. Can you believe it? When the idea of starting a business came to me at 14 years old (just!), hardly anyone would have predicted that my lingerie boutique would last this long. Many told me it would be a flash in the pan. A story of just a few nights, a few months.
It was—and still is—a natural reflex to think that. But for me, it was entirely natural to believe the opposite because I knew I was going to bring something new, something different to the field.
It must be said that I never really felt represented in society. As a slightly larger teenager, I was always faced with small sizes or 34B.
Since 2004, the year Lingerie Emma was founded, I've had a clear mission, one that still inspires and guides me: to dress all women.
Campaigns that make a mark and stand out
In 20 years of career, I've had the opportunity to prove this time and time again, especially through our communication campaigns.
I think, among others, of the one for our 15th anniversary, "
All Women," through which we invited women everywhere to stop comparing themselves to others because ultimately, well-being comes from within, not from outside.
There was also the one for our 18th anniversary: "
The New Normal is You." Nearly 2 years later, people still talk about it.I'm also thinking about our
Empowerment campaign.Or our most recent one, "
I Am More Than." A liberating campaign that encouraged women to shed their invisible labels, those assigned by society that wrongly define them.There were our campaigns, but there were also innovations like the creation of our
mastectomy department, inspired by my father who, at the time, was encountering women undergoing partial or total mastectomies as part of his cancer treatments. "You know women, you support them, why not support them in this too?"
But I didn't just want to create a "beige" mastectomy department. I wanted to take the opportunity to offer these women products that would (re)ignite their desire to feel beautiful, to step into the spotlight, something that one might sometimes be tempted to avoid after a mastectomy.
An irreplaceable source of inspiration
Twenty years, it's not nothing. It makes you think about the past, but it also makes you look forward, farther into the horizon.
You probably don't know this, but it's you—my dear customers, my dear girls in the boutique whom I meet—that inspire me to keep going. Seriously. Sincerely. I take great pleasure in meeting you, in getting to know you— you and your story. You give me the guts to move forward in life.
What else can I say but that I wish us at least another 20 years together. Minimum.
A woman is always in motion. Every day, every week, every year, she redefines herself, beautifies herself, transforms herself, takes shape.
Thank you for living this waking dream with me!
Emma Dunn, founder and owner of Lingerie Emma.
Watch Emma's 20th anniversary interview here.